The PPAI Expo is North America’s largest international promotional product tradeshow. Every year MyBrandPromo sends their best and brightest sales reps to Las Vegas for the Expo to make connections with vendors and see the hot new products available to offer our customers. This year’s Expo took place January 10th through the 14th.
The adrenaline from the Expo has now worn off and our hard working sales reps are back at work, but what happened in Vegas definitely did not stay there! Sales reps gain tools at the Expo to drive their sales for the rest of the year. The connections they make and experience is unique to each person. Our valued sales reps, Kathy Santistevan and Jessica Swick were kind enough to sit down with us, share their own experience and reflect upon this year’s Expo.

Memories to Last a Lifetime
Jessica mused over the memories the long week had offered and declared, “My favorite memory is the same every year. Our company owners, Dave and Joe, take us out for a nice dinner. It’s my favorite memory, not only because they pick great restaurants but because we are such a close, cohesive team. Even with the parties and excitement, the low key family dinner is by far the best night!”

Vendors that Wowed!
According to PPAI the Expo features more than 1,300 exhibiting companies. It can be a challenge to stand out, which is why relationships are so important in this industry. “We have great relationships with many vendors.” Jessica asserted. “It’s an integral part of our business development.” “We, and the vendors, work hard at these relationships. It’s always great to feel appreciated, and this year Sabina showed us the love. Not only did they take us out to dinner and drinks, but gave each of us a custom tumbler with the MyBrandPromo logo and our names!”
Kathy’s focus was on the new items vendors had to offer. “I definitely thought the vendors represented by the Flynn Group stood out the most,” Kathy said. “They took the time to show us around to each of their lines, especially the new lines! One of them was called Game Hide ( It is for corporate Camo. I just thought it was very cool! I have already shown one of their pieces to a new customer.”
Trends on Point
“I feel like more vendors are leaning toward useful, practical items that are good for everyday use. For example, a charging cord that beeps when you unplug it so you won’t forget you cord (,” Jessica astutely noted. “Another trend is the competitive edge vendors are trying to gain on each other. Shipping offers, special pricing, rebates. If a vendor isn’t offering new goods, they may be offering better incentives to purchase their goods.”
Kathy recollected the products that stood out to her. “There were two tech items, one was a virtual keyboard, and the other was an electronic key chain locator that I thought would be great for car dealerships! It is not just for keys, but would most likely be used in that fashion.”
Though only once a year, the Las Vegas PPAI Expo is always a great time and an exciting learning experience. MyBrandPromo’s daring sales reps survived this year’s show and are geared to go offer the best the promotional product industry has to offer!